Big Data technology solutions

Create added value for your business through a Data Driven strategy and stand out from your competitors.


Business consultancy and advisory services

We are specialists in understanding the needs of each business. We analyze the context of the company and the market situation in order to design the Big Data solution that best suits the strategic objectives.


Data management

This stack of services includes all the necessary data preparation management to subsequently extract all its value in the context of creating artificial intelligence models or dynamic visualizations.

Success storie



It means Extract, Load, Transform and refers to the processing and transformation of data so that it can be subsequently used in strategic decision making, in the application of Artificial Intelligence models, to perform an exploratory analysis of the market or as a centralized source of data on which the entire company relies.

Data Lake

Data Lake

We are experts in centralizing large volumes of data, which may come from different sources and have a different structure, within the same storage repository to have an overview of them and that each department of the organization can consult the information they need from them.

Data Warehouse

Data Warehouse

We analyze the needs of companies to find out the optimal format in which to keep their data as well as the most suitable storage structure for them.


Artificial Intelligence

Understanding and modeling the underlying patterns in the data provides a great competitive advantage to companies, as better strategic decisions are made and can be executed in real time thanks to the automation of these processes.

Success storie

Customer Segmentation

Customer Segmentation

Classifying users by homogeneous groups allows us to know in detail each type of segment and their needs, thus optimizing the company's marketing strategies by offering customers exactly what they need without wasting resources.

Search of Optimal Paths

Route optimization

We solve problems related to the search for relationships between two items or optimal paths within complex systems by applying graph theory to Big Data.

Record Linkage

Record Linkage

We integrate, unify and link records present in different data sources that lack unique identifiers to create relationships between those that share the same property with probabilistic methodologies of Record Linkage or Machine Learning.

Time Series Prediction

Predictive time series models

We develop prediction and forecasting models for any type of time series with implicit patterns, such as the prediction of product demand, prices or cash flows, using classical statistical techniques combined with the latest Artificial Intelligence technologies.

Conversion Probability Estimation

Conversion rate estimation

We can estimate the probability of buying a product in a specific context by means of advanced classification algorithms, which is a great advantage in eCommerce companies, where knowing how much to bet on a product determines the profitability of an online marketing policy.

Pricing Optimization

Price optimization

We develop intelligent algorithms capable of understanding the market context and changing the price automatically and dynamically, increasing the speed of reaction to possible changes and, therefore, maximizing the company's competitiveness.

Text Analysis

Natural Languaje Processing - NLP

We provide companies with a fundamental source of information for making wise strategic decisions through natural languaje processing (NLP) applications, such as performing a sentiment analysis to determine the emotional tone behind a text, for example, of users who write their opinion in Social Networks, or training systems that generate automatic responses to comments or reviews.

Recommendation Systems

Recommendation Systems

Through the maximum personalization of the recommendation systems used by companies, it is possible to know how to adapt the offer according to what customers demand at all times.

Image Recognition

Image Recognition

We offer the most effective, fast and economical alternative for those companies that perform manual image or video processing by training Artificial Intelligence models that provide the highest possible accuracy.


Data Visualization

Our data visualization services provide companies with a tool to understand their business dynamics at a glance through dynamic dashboards tailored to their specific needs.

Business Intelligence Tools

Business Intelligence Tools

We transform data into useful knowledge to optimize a company's strategic decisions by integrating any of the business intelligence tools available in the market according to the needs of each company.



We develop interactive dashboards that, from large volumes of data, are able to show visually and directly the main metrics and results that facilitate strategic decision making in the company.

High Dimensions Visualization

High-dimensional visualization

We provide data visualization tools with multiple variables in detailed graphs that make it easy to understand at a glance and quickly what is happening in the market in order to apply predictive analysis techniques and future projections.


Data Streaming

We provide all our services in real time in order to quickly detect and understand changes in market trends and give companies with greater speed of reaction.

Success storie


Kit Consulting for business digitalization

We are authorized Digital Advisor of Kit Consulting. We specialize in helping companies to improve their business through Big Data, providing consultancy services and assisting them throughout the entire process.

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Digital Kit for SMEs and self-employed workers

Damavis, authorized Digital Agent for the Digital Kit. We assist SMEs and self-employed workers in their digitalization process, helping them with advice and providing them with the necessary tools to implement technological solutions in their businesses.

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Our projects are developed with the leading edge Big Data technologies

Apache Spark Damavis Services Technologies Hadoop Damavis Services Technologies Kafka Damavis Services Technologies Storm Damavis Services Technologies MongoDB Damavis Services Technologies Elastic Damavis Services Technologies Docker Damavis Services Technologies H2O.AI Damavis Services Technologies Python Damavis Services Technologies Scala Damavis Services Technologies Snowflake Damavis Services Technologies Scikit Learn Damavis Services Technologies Jupyter Damavis Services Technologies Neo4J Damavis Services Technologies Databricks Damavis Services Technologies Apache Airflow Damavis Services Technologies Kubernetes Damavis Services Technologies Delta Lake Damavis Services Technologies Akka Damavis Services Technologies Google Data Studio Damavis Services Technologies Golang Damavis Services Technologies Mlflow Damavis Services Technologies Salesforce Damavis Services Technologies Apache Drools Damavis Services Technologies Apache Superset Damavis Services Technologies


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